Understanding the Basics Behind Group Income Protection Insurance


Group income protection is a brilliant way to ensure that you are protected in the event of an accident or absence from work due to illness. The amount that you pay into the scheme from your salary is minimal, and you may need the payments in the future. Taking out this form of insurance policy will enable both you and your employer to operate harmoniously, regardless of the situation.

Why Group Income Protection is Beneficial to Employers?

Every year the number of employees who are absent from work due to sickness is increasing, which costs businesses over 13.2 billion pounds every year. This staggering figure is increasing every year, therefore, causing issues to companies. The average for every employee in the country is 6.7 days of sick leave every year.

With these statistics showing that more people than ever before are taking sick days, it creates a negative impact on the business. Financial resources are at breaking point, and more businesses than ever before are struggling to pay the sick pay which is needed. Therefore, choosing Group Income Protection is essential, and will help you to deal with long-term financial issues.

Employees will feel that they are being supported by their employers, and employers will feel less of a financial burden. Many employers will continue to pay employees during periods of illness; however, this is often not mandatory. Once they feel they can no longer afford to pay, the financial support will stop.

This can produce difficult emotions as the employee may feel let down, and the employer may feel guilty, especially for loyal employees. Often this will lead to the breakdown of the working relationship. However, this scenario can be avoided with Group income protection, and everyone will remain happy and supportive.

Who Can Be A Beneficiary of Group Income Protection?

The policy can be offered to employees through a number of different methods, ensuring that everyone can afford to take out some cover. Everyone will benefit in a number of different ways including, improved relationships, financial assistance, and reassurance that bills can be paid. The premiums, which are paid, are not taxed, and the employer looses nothing from paying the money. In fact, the company may be able to gain from the support of the rehabilitation scheme offered.

The payments can be delayed for various different periods including, 13, 26, 28, 41, 52 and 104 weeks. The longer that you delay the premiums will be lower and the typical payment are between 0.5% and 1.5% of your average payroll. The amount can also depend on the form of business and your classification and job title.

How Group Income Protection Can Help You

The negotiable premiums and terms will ensure that everyone can be catered for with this scheme, from the first meeting you will be put at ease that your welfare will be catered for in the future. The company will ensure that they contact the best policy providers for your needs, and negotiate the best terms and premium costs.

What Makes You Different?

Tips & Tricks

I was asked this question recently by a stranger sitting next to me on an airplane in regards to our orthodontic practice. We got into a conversation about orthodontics and she shared with me her experiences with her children and their orthodontist.

She had mixed feelings about her personal experience and was quite frustrated with the entire process. I tried my best to diffuse her frustration towards the orthodontist her children were seeing when she made a comment to me that was eye-opening. She said, “We went for several consultations, but they all seemed to be the same. There was no difference between them except for maybe a few hundred dollars in fees. We just chose the one that was closest to our home.”

That is when I suggested that there had to be a difference, between all the orthodontists she consulted with. She firmly denied that she could find any significant difference that set one office part from another. It was then that she asked me the question, “So what makes your practice so different?”

Did she want to know just one big “thing” that made us different or all the “things” that make our office unique? Of course, I asked for clarification.

“No, I just want you to tell me what is the one thing I need to know about your practice that sets you apart from all the others. This would be something that a parent or patient would notice and be impressed by.”

Wow, I realized she had me thinking quite hard about the one thing that represented our practice. Honestly, it was a great question, and I was having a hard time answering it immediately. My brain had to process some information rather quickly to come up with an answer.

She could tell that this was not a quick one-sentence answer for me, so she jumped in and started questioning me about different aspects of our practice. Can you list some of the benefits your patients receive by being in your practice?

Yes, that was easy to answer. We have after-school and evening appointments, we provide email and phone call reminders of appointments, we use Invisalign and Invisalign Teen as a primary appliance choice, but still offer clear and metal braces.

She seemed to be getting a bit frustrated with me as I was definitely not giving her the answer she was looking for. She wanted the one biggest thing – often referred to in marketing as your Unique Selling Proposition or USP.

How Would You Respond To This Question?

I saw this as an opportunity to get answers from my staff, our patients and their parents.

I know that people choose our practice because of many different reasons, but I truly did not know the one big reason. For me personally, I have my favorite places to shop, my favorite physician, my favorite shoe store, my favorite grocery store, etc…  We all have our favorites and usually continue to purchase goods and services from these businesses. Usually, there is one big reason you continue to purchase their products and services.

For example, when I think of Whole Foods, I think of fresh, organic produce and healthy eating and that is the reason I shop there. When I think of Peet’s Coffee I can almost smell and taste the amazing coffee and go out of my way to find their stores. When I think of Zappo’s I think of shoes and more shoes and free shipping which sets them apart from other online retailers.

Here Is An Exercise For You

Think of all the places you spend your money and write them down. Then next to it go ahead and write down what you think and/or feel about them and the one big “thing that makes them different. This simple exercise will get you thinking about your business and the reasons why your customers, clients, or patients chose you. Next, put together a brief survey that your employees will fill out.

Ask the Questions:

1. What benefits do our customers receive when they come into our business?

2. What do you think is the one “thing” that makes our business different?

To really get them thinking about this correctly, you should also have them fill in the blanks regarding some popular stores or other places of business that are local to your office. Have them write down one “thing” that makes those businesses different or stand out from the rest.

I suggest doing this exercise as part of a team training or staff meeting. Get all your team involved in figuring this out and hopefully you will come up with some ideas that make you “different” from everyone else.

The next step is to ask your customers to do a similar survey.

Ask the Questions:

1. What was the main reason you chose us?

2. What benefits do you feel you receive?

3. What is the one “thing” that sets us apart?

You could do this as an email using “survey monkey,” or simply hand the survey to your customers when they come in and provide a bowl or box to simply deposit them when completed.

We have done surveys like this in the past and find them very valuable and informative.

Okay, you are probably waiting for my answer to this question, right?

I am sorry to say that I could not give her just ONE “thing” that made us different.  Of course I shared with her all the things that I feel do set us apart and make us different , but coming up with the one and only big thing, I could not give her at that moment.

So I will be handing out the surveys to my team and my parents and patients over the next few weeks and getting some answers to the question, “what makes our practice different?”

Core Losses in Transformers and Their Impact on Efficiency

Core Losses in Transformers

Transformers play a vital role in the electrical power system, as they enable transmission and distribution at different voltage levels. The core losses (also known as iron loss) can have a significant impact on their overall efficiency, even though they are usually efficient devices. Understanding core losses is crucial for maximizing transformer performance and minimizing energy waste.

What Are Core Losses?

The core of the transformer is usually made from laminated silicon steel. The two main mechanisms that cause these losses are hysteresis and eddy-current loss.

1. Hysteresis Loss: The magnetic properties of the core material are responsible for this loss. The magnetic domains in the material realign when the magnetic field changes direction. Realignment of the magnetic domains in a material consumes energy and results in heat generation. The hysteresis losses are dependent on material properties, frequency of alternating current (AC), and peak magnetic flux density.

2. Eddy Currents Loss: Eddy currents, or loops of current, are induced in the core by changing magnetic fields. These currents flow in the opposite direction of the material grain, causing additional heat and energy losses. Laminated core designs can minimize eddy current losses by increasing resistance to currents through the introduction of air gaps between thin steel layers.

Impact on Efficiency

Transformer efficiency is directly affected by core losses. The ratio of input power to output power is expressed as a percentage. In order to get the same output with high core losses, you need to increase your input power. This reduces efficiency. Transformer efficiencies typically range between 95% and 99%. However, excessive core losses will reduce efficiency significantly. This can lead to higher operational costs.

Minimizing Core Losses

Manufacturers employ different strategies to improve transformer efficiency and reduce core loss.

1. Material Selection: High-quality core materials that have lower hysteresis losses can reduce core losses significantly. Amorphous steel and other advanced materials are becoming more popular due to their superior performance.

2. Lamination Techniques: Laminating cores reduce eddy-currents by creating a path with a higher resistance to the currents, thus minimizing losses.

3. Design Optimization: Engineers can optimize the core geometry and dimension to ensure minimal flux loss and improved magnetic performance. This will further enhance efficiency.

Transformer core losses are an important factor that affects their efficiency and operating costs. Understanding the mechanisms that cause hysteresis, eddy current and other losses can help manufacturers and operators implement strategies to minimize them. It not only increases the efficiency of transformers, but it also improves the sustainability of electrical systems through reduced energy waste and operating expenses. Anyone looking to maximize transformer performance today in an energy-conscious world should invest in design and technology improvements that reduce core losses.

This post was written by a professional at Electrical Transformer Buyers. As a premier destination for buying and selling electrical transformers, Electrical Transformer Buyers is your go-to partner in the industry. Backed by years of experience and a team of highly skilled professionals, we are committed to providing comprehensive solutions for all your electrical transformer needs. Click here to learn more!