How to Choose the Best HAVS Testing Provider

Testing Provider

The use of hand-held vibrating tools and power tools is a reality that many construction workers live with daily. This type of tooling and equipment are necessary but it also poses a risk to the workers that use them, which makes control measures and health surveillance crucial to employee safety.

|Shaun from Principal Power Tools said “When vibration equipment is used regularly, exposure to these vibrations create the potential for Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS).” That is why HAVS testing is of paramount importance for those in these fields.

What is HAVS (Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome)?

HAVS is the term used to define the chronic and ongoing challenges created by using vibrating tools for long and unregulated stretches of time above the acceptable exposure limits. This trauma is caused by damage done to the blood vessels and the nerves in the hands of those using vibrating tools. Symptoms such as loss of strength in the hands, numbness and tingling in the fingers, loss of dexterity and in severe cases anddiscouloration of the skin (white and red) are common and painful.

Why is HAVS Testing Important?

According to changes to UK work regulations in 2005, it is the responsibility of the employer to mitigate the risks of HAVS throughout their workforce. This makes risk assessments and the need to control vibrations to acceptable levels a priority for all employers who work in industries that have high-HAVS risk activities.

Additionally, the health and effectiveness of their employees are a concern for all employers, making HAVS a serious challenge. There are many avenues through which employers are taking steps to ensure that employees have the right safety representatives and that vibration risk is reduced to a minimum.  

HAVS testing is done from multiple points and should be as thorough as possible to ensure safety and adherence to the current HAVS regulations. What does that look like on the work site?

  • Tools are tested regularly to see if they are within acceptable “vibration at work” limits.
  • Vibration assessments are done on employees to determine their level of risk and any mitigation strategies necessary.
  • New equipment purchased is designed with HAVSprotection in mind.
  • Proper training and education about HAVS and its risks.

How Do You Choose a HAVS Testing Provider?

A HAVS testing provider will be a partner in the protection of your employees, taking their safety concerns and making them a priority to best protect everyone. With different HAVS testing providers to choose from, how do you choose the one that is right for you?

            It is simple. The right HAVS testing provider:

  • Makes it Easy

Your HAVS testing needs are only one of the many priorities on your plate and the right testing provider will make it easy for your employees and tools to be tested, going out of their way to make it easy for you to comply with HAVS regulations.

  • Provides Solutions

Solutions, such as on-site testing and evaluations, are some examples of the type of solutions that the right testing provider will be able to develop with you to ensure all employees and tools are tested with the least amount of disruption to workflow.

  • Adds Value Above and Beyond the Testing

Added value looks different in every situation but it can be as simple as the ability to fix tools that don’t meet the HAVS specifications on site.

  • Tests Thoroughly

Tools and employees need different levels of testing, and some tools need more thorough examination than others. The right provider will ensure that all tests are done completely and accurately, with all the necessary documentation

You and Your Employees Deserve It

The right HAVS test provider will make the lives of your employees, and you, much easier by providing peace of mind and the necessary testing to protect them from vibration damage. Since HAVS is preventable, measures like this are critical to avoiding unnecessary pain and suffering.

Benefits of aluminium windows – you must know them!

Benefits of aluminium windows

The image of a house or flat without windows can give you a distasteful and shuddering feeling. It is hard to imagine our house without at least one window through which we can look at the world around us. When choosing windows, we are guided primarily by their durability, thanks to which they will serve us for years. Well-made windows also include aesthetically made frames, which beautify our interior and are capable of keeping the heat in the flat or house.

Aluminium windows are becoming increasingly popular, although not yet as much as PVC or wooden windows. Due to their distinctive appearance, their installation places are usually public buildings, such as schools, offices or shopping centres. However, the simplicity and elegance of aluminium windows have led to their increasing use in the construction of houses and flats.

Benefits of aluminium windows

Aluminium windows are first and foremost lightweight and extremely strong compared to the well-known PVC windows. Despite the widely known negative opinion, they are not inferior to wooden ones in terms of energy efficiency either. Aluminium is a material that can be formed into any imaginable shape when exposed to heat. This advantage makes it possible to create windows in many forms, even those which have not been seen before. The free design of the windows also means that the width of their frame can be adjusted by narrowing or widening it – the narrower the frame, the larger the windows appear. Aluminium windows are resistant to corrosion thanks to appropriate protection. The use of the latest thermal insulation technology in the production of aluminium windows means that they retain heat inside the room very well. In addition, they are very easy to clean and do not require regular maintenance, while the metal components, in most cases, are fully recyclable.

Benefits of aluminium windows – summary

Aluminium windows, like everything, also have a few disadvantages. The biggest of these is the frame, which, although perfectly capable of retaining heat in a room, is quite cold to the touch. Aluminium windows are also difficult to repair in any way. Aluminium windows are very sturdy and hard to damage. However, if there happen to be any scuffs, scratches or cracks, we will have to replace the entire frame. Despite this, aluminium windows have more advantages than disadvantages. The one that is most appealing to the decision of installing such windows is usually the excellent thermal insulation capability, which will keep the house or flat warm. The decision to purchase aluminium windows should preferably be made with the help of a specialist, who will take into account all the most important issues and dispel any doubts about aluminium windows.

What Are the Methods Employed to Watch Television Channels on The Computer?

TV on Computer

There will be hardly any person who is not addicted to watching television when he or she gets back home after a tiresome day’s job. Most of the people like to spend their evenings in front of their television watching their favorite serials or movies or sports or even news channels. But nowadays with the advent of internet and with all the latest technology that is happening around us, we can even watch a lot of television and satellite television channels even on our computer without having a cable network connection or any other direct to home or HD device plugged to the computer. If you have a fast and quick internet connection and a good operating system, then all you need to do is to go to any search engine and search for live television streaming online. You will be instantly be directed to a lot of free live TV streaming websites that will provide you with the entertainment you are looking for and that too without any television.

Pay for watching TV

Even though you will be able to watch a lot of free to air channels for free on the computer, if you would like to watch crystal clear and good quality television programs that you normally watch in high-definition clarity at your homes, then it is advisable for you to go for television channel software that will help you in watching good quality television programs from all over the globe on your computer. All you need to do is to pay a onetime fee of about $50 to your software retailer and you will be instantly connected to the world of television on your computer. There is no end to the genre of channels that will be on offer for you for an entire lifetime.

Another popular way is to get yourself iptv UK services. With these iptv UK services, you can watch all your favorite content on your pc or laptop.

Tips To Quit Smoking To Reduce The Risks Of Radon Poisoning!

Risks Of Radon Poisoning

Despite knowing the health risks of smoking, smokers are not able to quit. This is called addiction, and getting rid of any kind of addiction is certainly not easy. If you are a smoker trying to quit but failing repeatedly, you are not alone. Nevertheless, a few tips will help you speed up the process of quitting. 

One of the biggest risks associated with smoking is lung cancer. Smokers living under radon exposure are more likely to develop cancer than non-smokers. Therefore, the risks of radon poisoning will also decrease when you quit smoking. If you suspect elevated radon levels in your house, conduct a home radon test today. 

Tips for quitting smoking 

  1. Stick to your plan. 

Smokers trying to quit usually build a plan to follow. The plan outlines how the person will gradually quit their tobacco intake. If you have such a plan, you are one step ahead of quitting. However, making a plan and following it are two different things. It is easy to make one but can be extremely difficult to follow. 

Revisiting your plan from time to time to remember the details will help you stay focused and confident. If you do not have a plan, it is recommended to build one. 

  1. Identify your smoking triggers. 

There are certain things that might trigger a smoker to smoke. Since this is different for every smoker, it is important to identify yours rather than asking your friends about it. You may keep a craving journal to list things that make you want to smoke. You may also include the times of the day when you feel like smoking. 

The most common reason people smoke is to relieve their unpleasant feelings and relax. Drinking alcohol and eating food also trigger smoking in many people. 

  1. Find your reason to quit. 

Until and unless you have a strong reason to quit, you may find yourself going back to square one. You need a reason that keeps you motivated to quit. The reason may be becoming a better person for yourself, protecting your own health or your family’s health from secondhand smoke. 

If you do not like how you look currently, it may be because of your smoking habits. Tobacco can make you look older than you actually are, giving your wrinkles and fine lines. 

  1. Get support. 

When trying to achieve a goal in your life, it helps to get emotional support from people you love. Tell your friends and family members about your plan. If you have smoker friends, ask them not to offer you cigarettes anymore or smoke around you. This will help you prevent cravings as well. 

Fastening belts – what are they useful for?

Lashing straps and Belts

Lashing straps are commonly used in the shipping and transport industry. They are primarily used for the optimal securing of loads, effectively preventing them from shifting on the truck bed. In the construction of the standard model, we distinguish components such as a fabric strap, tensioner, hook and additional accessories that increase the level of protection. In what situations are the fixing trowels best?

Proven way to deliver goods intact

Fastening belts are characterized by above-average strength and resistance to the effects of various external factors (e.g. chemicals, moisture, UV rays). In addition, they are relatively light and handy, which greatly facilitates the assembly process – one person is enough for this.

Thanks to the soft and flexible structure of the material, the belts effectively absorb any shocks and do not have a destructive effect on the delicate surface of the protected packages. The properties mentioned above guarantee the delivery of the cargo to the addressee without the risk of its mechanical damage or causing a hazard on the road. It is also worth mentioning that the fastening belts are extremely universal. They can be used to secure both small and large-size goods.

Many types of lashing straps to choose from

Lashing straps of various construction types are used to stabilize the loads. For years, the traditional versions with a tensioner have been the most popular, as they can easily withstand loads of several tons. Items with a length of 2-4 meters are perfect for securing furniture, electronics and household appliances, bicycles or small fishing boats. On the other hand, the ones over 4 meters are able to anchor, for example, quads, construction machines, Dutch houses and concrete tanks.

Also noteworthy are the three-point models, intended mainly for attaching passenger cars to carriages. The division of the discussed elements can also be made by considering the color of their labels. The blue color indicates that the belt is made of polyester, a material resistant to mineral acids and retaining its performance parameters at low and high temperatures. The green color symbolizes polyamide (not susceptible to alkaloids), while the brown color relates directly to polypropylene (slightly less durable than other materials). It is also worth remembering that the fastening belts are available in various widths – from 25 to 50 mm.

Find out more at mipromet.en.